About us

Monapart is a real estate company founded in 2010. Our mission is to ensure that the most beautiful and special homes change hands easily, joyously and securely.

We are committed to meeting the responsibilities that come with accompanying people on their journey of buying, selling or renting a home. For this reason, all of our agents know that clients are more important than sales, and that honesty is non-negotiable.

We would like our real estate work to always be accompanied by the most interesting people and initiatives occurring within / above / below / opposite / beside the properties which we sell or rent. This is why we also talk about other things in addition to homes. We therefore educate ourselves, give our opinions, laugh, cooperate, and lead the way so that after our input in the real estate sector, nothing will ever be the same again.

Already present in various Spanish cities, Monapart is recognized as one of the most prestigious real estate brands for its innovative practices. It is taken as a reference for its digital strategy by competing companies, international consultancies, and business schools. Year after year we improve in economic results, brand awareness, recognition by industry experts, and customer satisfaction.

So, let's now imagine that you want to sell, buy, or rent a home. What would you like your agent to do for you throughout the process? What should they know? How should they act? How would you like to feel by their side?

At Monapart we do not sell or rent homes in which we ourselves would not live. Similarly, we only feel at ease among people who are able to give their best at all times, and to everyone. Here they are:



  • Blanca Guiral, directora legal Monapart

    Blanca Guiral

    Legal Director

    Blanca is a lawyer with extensive experience in real estate law. But unlike the “typical lawyer”, there is nothing dull or grey about her. She is actually a redhead ;D and she loves colours and everything to do with painting, illustration, design, decoration, fashion, cinema... Speaking of cinema, her favourite movie is Denys Arcand´s Les invasions barbares, a drama with a touch of comedy that won an Oscar in 2004 for best foreign film.

    She says that she is at her happiest underwater, and that watching fish chases away all of her ills. But if you sing "City of stars, are you shining just for me" to her, this will also have a similar effect.

  • Guido Giscombe _ Monapart

    Guido Giscombe

    Quality Control

    Guido was born in the United Kingdom, and is of British-Panamanian origin. He grew up in Madrid until he was 16, and then lived in Palencia (where cold was invented!) for 2 years, playing volleyball for the national U19 team. He graduated with a degree in Architecture from ETSAM, and has worked all over the world: Madrid, Lisbon, the Canary Islands, London, Panama, Moscow… and as of 2012 in Barcelona, the city where he has seen his two children grow up.

    Guidín (an ironic nickname because he is very tall) loves the beach, and escapes to Barceloneta whenever he can to skate to the rhythm of Cuban salsa and tropical house. He also does yoga, reads, and goes to live music venues. The Rolling Stones´Tattoo You is his all-time favourite album.

  • José Luis Echeverría, Socio y Director de Monapart

    José Luis Echeverría

    Founding Partner. CEO

    An architect, urban planner, and an MBA from ESADE, José Luis says he has never done anything so well as playing as an indoor football goalkeeper. But, listen, being one of Monapart’s founding partners isn´t bad either...

    He has no hobbies, and the little free time he has is devoted to his family and friends, with whom he plays football every Monday (and they call him Mosignor?). His dreams for the future include learning to climb, going for a run twice a week, writing a poetry book, inventing new businesses, and founding an alternative education school. He is clearly an optimist.

  • Olga Sala, Socia y Directora de Marketing en Monapart

    Olga Sala

    Founding Partner. CMO

    With a degree in Law from the University of Barcelona, a Master's degree in Publishing from the Pompeu Fabra University, and a Master's degree in Marketing and Sales from ESADE, Olga never thought that she would work in the real estate sector, “the dark side” after many years dedicated to literature, one of his great passions, along with music.

    But the truth is, that never before has there been a real estate company with such light as Monapart. And she has fully dedicated herself to this, since she founded it with two other enlightened ones, more than 10 years ago.

    She dreams of opening a bookstore one day, and buying a Steinway.

  • Rosana Condomines, Business Developer Monapart

    Rosana Condomines

    Business Developer

    With a Degree in Institutional Relations (Pompeu Fabra University), Master in Fashion Marketing and Communication (Felicidad Duce), Postgraduate in Operational Marketing (ESIC), and Master in Internet Bussines (MIB at ISDI), Rosana comes to Monapart to help us grow. Just like that.

    Passionate about the business world, and new digital environments, Rosana spreads enthusiasm wherever she goes. She believes in the culture of change and in constant learning as a form of adaptation. You only have to look at her background to see that she proves it right.

    She loves skiing, and since the pandemic, she also paints. If possible, with a glass of cava.

  • Eduard Solé - socio fundador Monapart

    Eduard Solé

    Founding partner. COO

    Eduard Solé has a degree in Communication Sciences and has an MBA from ESADE. He spends his days talking on the phone, but also has countless hobbies and finds it hard to accept that there isn´t time for everything in life (he runs regularly, but also cooks, writes songs, reads, does yoga, plays ping pong…).

    He is an entrepreneur, idealist, and as he himself acknowledges, a bit of a daredevil. That´s why he dreams of travelling to remote places and living unlikely adventures worthy of Indiana Jones when he is older. Although he is a bit moody at times, let's not forget that he was raised in the drylands.

  • Neus Giné - CFO Monapart

    Neus Giné


    There are not enough walls for Neus' degrees and diplomas. Degree in Economics and Business Administration from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Master's Degree in Finance from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, an MBA in Business Administration / Financial Strategy from Georgetown University… shall we continue?
    After a long career as CFO for different firms such as American Express, Vanity Fair Brands or Elix Vintage Rents Socimi, she currently is a partner at Metrix Partners and leads Monapart's finances, which are more robust and in order than ever.
    She is a voracious reader, with eclectic tastes and passionate about travelling and learning. Whenever she can, she returns to New York to reconnect with her past life there.

  • Jaime Arribas, community manager en Monapart

    Jaime Arribas


    Jaime was born in Valladolid, studied Fine Arts in Cuenca, went to Lapland as part of the Erasmus programme, and now lives in Barcelona, where he is sometimes called Jaume. With so much travelling under his belt, it is no surprise that he speaks six languages! He also studied Performing Arts and Music; he has a weakness for opera and Yoko Ono.

    He is full of surprises, and once went to a shop to buy himself a guitar, only to leave with an accordion! If one day he decides to get a tattoo, it would most likely be of the Hanging Houses of Cuenca. He is a cheese and salted licorice enthusiast, and whenever possible, he escapes to the countryside.

  • Albert Chiva Delegado Protección Datos Monapart

    Albert Chiva

    Data Protection Officer

    Albert came to Monapart a long time ago, when the discipline on Data Protection, and Intellectual Property was in its infancy. Lawyer from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, with a Master's Degree in Information Society Law, and Auditor of Technological Environments, it was thanks to him, that Monapart adapted its operations to duly comply with the LOPD, which later became the current RGPD.

    To know that our processes, our data, and especially yours! are well protected, and under his surveillance, it helps us sleep much more peacefully.

    By the way, all meetings with Albert end up talking about books, there is no remedy.

  • Montse Calix, Facturación Monapart

    Montse Calix


    Are the world of entertainment and accounting, contradictory? Montse is the living proof that both worlds get along very well. With a degree in Business Administration and Management with a Master's in Marketing from ESADE, when she is not between balance sheets and a calculator in hand, she gives herself over to her true passion, theater and dance. Wait a minute! Fifteen years of classical dance with an official degree from the Royal Academy of Dancing in London are no joke.

    When she's not working, she's most likely hooking up with her amateur theater company, watching Dirty Dancing for the millionth time, or cooking up some scrumptious dessert.

  • Mónica Prieto - Directora de Comunidad Monapart

    Mónica Prieto

    Senior Community Strategist

    Mónica is a journalist, with a Postgraduate degree in Cultural Production and Communication specializing in Digital Content. She has extensive experience as a producer and editor in different television programs, and more than 6 years of experience in Airbnb managing the Home Sharing Community.

    "Home-Sharing-Community" fits us perfectly in Monapart, so our destinies had to cross sooner or later... Although our love story began a long, long time ago. One of these days we will tell you the story.

    When she doesn't work, Monica travels, meditates, and practices pilates. She has a twin sister who lives in Germany. If you meet her in Berlin, and she doesn't say hello to you, don't take it into account!

  • Nuria Iserte SMM, Monapart

    Nuria Iserte

    Content & Social Media Manager

    Who better than a purebred millennial, to understand how to take our social media strategy to another level. Well, that's what Nuria has come to Monapart for, after more than 7 years as a Digital Communication Professional, with a Degree in Advertising and Public Relations, and a Master's Degree in Digital Marketing.

    She defines herself as a curious person by nature, and the truth is, that she dedicates herself to the constant learning of her profession, which she is passionate about. But not everything is work... So Nuria also finds time to practice pilates, yoga, reading, cinema and a tattoo from time to time. She has five, already.



  • Oriol Esparza - Asesor inmobiliario Monapart

    Oriol Esparza | La Primera

    Real Estate Agent

    “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too”. This is a quote from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, Oriol's favourite book. Thanks to this book, Oriol has learned the importance of meditating, dreaming, reflecting, and writing.

    This is his reflective side...But don´t be fooled! Like a good Gemini, he also has a crazier and more extroverted side to him. So Oriol never says no to a good party, he and has spent years learning the ins and outs of stock trading and doing extreme sports. And since risk is a part of the real estate profession, he is the perfect Street Agent.

  • María Vázquez Monapart

    María Vázquez

    Real Estate Agent

    Maria says she loves her job so much that her clients almost always end up as friends. Let's see, if she has been in the real estate sector for 15 years, do your math!

    Her family is everything, but work is also a fundamental part of her life, and she gives herself body and soul to it. She is very demanding with the quality of the service and leaves no loose ends, which is why she also asks for commitment and trust from her clients. Always with a smile through!

    In her free time, she dances tango, salsa or gets involved with various charitable associations such as Agape + or Rumbo, dedicated to helping homeless people.

  • Gabriel Rufí Monapart

    Gabriel Rufí

    Real Estate Agent

    Gabriel is a Technical Engineer in Industrial Design at Elisava, and worked for Neil Tomlinson Architects in London for almost five years on the renovation of The Bell hotel, among other projects. Little did he suspect then, that this was the beginning of a long and beautiful relationship with the hotel sector.

    Back in Barcelona, he was a Concierge at the Hotel W for four years, operating under the slogan Whatever / Whenever. Is there a better customer approach than this?

    Gabs (as his friends call him) spends his free time on a lot of hobbies: sports, reading crime novels, music, gardening, and very long after-meal conversations accompanied by a very cold patxaran.

  • Asesora inmobiliaria administraciones Monapart Barcelona

    Ingrid Anguera | La Primera

    Asesora inmobiliaria y Administración

    La fascinación de Ingrid por el diseño de interiores le viene de pequeña, cuando se colaba en todos los pisos en obras que le salían al paso. Estaba escrito que tenía que estudiar decoración e interiorismo y que su vida estaría siempre ligada al mundo de la vivienda. 

    En su tiempo libre da largos paseos por la montaña, donde esquía en los meses de invierno. También lee, cocina, escucha música y ve películas. Confiesa que no puede evitar comerse las chuches de su hija, y que por bien que las esconda, siempre las acaba encontrando…

  • Fabian Ostrovsky, asesor inmobiliario Monapart Barcelona

    Fabián Ostrovsky | La Primera

    Real Estate Agent

    Fabian is Argentinian, and on the very day of his birth, there were municipal elections in a turbulent political context. By contrast, he is a very calm guy and always gives off good vibes.

    He is an architect and has worked both in collaboration and in his own office, his forte being the refurbishment of buildings. He has been a real estate consultant for some years now, and he is great at it because he is deserving of the confidence he inspires. Which is a lot.

    When he is not working, you will see him walking along the beach of Barcelona, or swimming if the weather is nice. That is, of course, if there is no Barça match on.

  • Sole Pontes Monapart Barcelona

    Sole Pontes

    Real Estate Agent

    Sole is not serious, she is shy, especially in large groups. As she says, she moves much better in the face-to-face, in short distances and in establishing strong bonds of trust with those who look for her advice. Always look straight on, to the eyes, with honesty.

    After 20 years at the helm of her own home facilities installation company, she needed a change, so she decided to start in the real estate sector about 6 years ago. She feels happy in this profession, she thrives at it, and has found great friendships.

    When no one is looking, she listens to Julio Iglesias (she is a hopeless romantic).

  • Hernán Díaz, Asesor inmobiliario en Barcelona

    Hernán Díaz | La Primera

    Real Estate Agent

    After graduating in Foreign Trade, and as a senior customs technician, Hernán worked as a financial salesman for a decade, but one day he felt the call of the real estate sector (oh that call!) and graduated as a real estate agent to then open his own agency in Argentina, which is where he is from.

    He was born in Rosario, loves reggae, supports Newell's Old Boys, and LOVES football. This also sounds a lot like Messi, but do not be misled… Because if what you want is to sell your house, pass the ball to Hernán and he won´t miss the target.

  • Mireia Orell Monapart Barcelona

    Mireia Orell

    Real Estate Agent

    With a higher degree in Computer Science, an accounting course at EGE, a Management Secretary degree from the UOC, and even a drone pilot's license, Mireia is a restless ass, and until a little over a year ago, she did not suspect she would dedicate herself to the real estate sector.

    But here she is, enjoying a lot in a profession that allows her to help and get involved with her clients to get the home of their dreams, especially in the city areas of Barcelona that she knows best: Les Corts, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, and Pedralbes.

    In her spare time, she plays paddle tennis in two teams or enjoys eating in cool places, because she is (confeses) quite a foodie.

  • Ana Campderrich - Street Agent Monapart Barcelona

    Ana Campderrich | La Primera

    Street Agent

    Ana is pure rock'n'roll. Her motto in life is to be happy and make others happy, and anyone who has had the good fortune of having her around, knows that in this, she outdoes many.

    She gets up at the crack of dawn every day to go running, because she says that is how she deals with her worries. But it´s not all about running for her. Ana has taken classes in bachata, swing, country, salsa...And this year she starts tap dancing lessons.

    This lively and dynamic spirit runs the the streets of Barcelona to help you find your dream home. If you come across her, call her Campderrock.

  • Eva Oliver Asesora inmobiliaria DUO Monapart

    Eva Oliver | DUO

    Real Estate Agent

    Marketing professional with more than 20 years of experience in commercial departments, Eva founded DUO with her brother-in-law Francesc, to help families make good decisions regarding a change of home.

    She is what we would say a person with "ants in her pants”. With studies in philology and literature at the UAB, a master's degree in marketing from ESIC, various courses, and even Gestalt studies at the Gestalt Institute in Barcelona, shall we continue?

    She says, she has the worst possible sense of direction, and that every time she leaves the house, it's quite an adventure. When she is not working, she plays paddle tennis, sings, walks in the mountains or plans the next trip to Scotland, her favorite destination.

  • Elisabet Ruiz - Administraciones Monapart

    Elisabet Ruiz | La Primera

    Property Management

    Eli gets up with the first rays of sun, gets on a paddle surf board, and goes sailing. By the time she gets to the office, she has already lived so much longer than the rest of us, that we have barely sipped a coffee.

    It is an important therapy, if you come to Monapart afterwards to deal with one of the most complex departments, the rental management department, a responsibility that requires precision, left hand, and resilience to tons.

    In her spare time, and on the mainland, she adores doing cabinetmaking work while she listens to “Si mi rayo te alcanzara” by Xoel López. Such a beautiful image!

  • Francesc Tárraga Asesor inmobiliario DUO Monapart

    Francesc Tárraga | DUO

    Real Estate Agent

    With almost 20 years as a professional diver, and about 7 more in the industrial and construction sector, conducting site inspections and coordinating occupational hazards, Francesc never thought he would end up as a real estate consultant. But knowing first-hand the consequences of bad advice in the acquisition of a property, he decided to put all his experience and professionalism at the service of his clients, so that the same thing would not happen to them.

    When he is not working, Francesc loves spending time with his two daughters, whom he could not enjoy very much when they were little because he was always under the sea for work. Now the sirens are closer.

  • Carlos Torrico - agente Monapart en Barcelona

    Carlos Torrico

    Real Estate Agent in Barcelona and Maresme Sur

    With a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration, and a Master's in Counseling and Real Estate Management, Carlos has been more than 10 years dedicated to the real estate sector. He knows it from the inside, the outside, and upside down, always developing his work with rigor, commitment, integrity, and client-oriented.

    In his spare time, he likes jogging along the beaches of Premià, listens to indie music, and read historical fiction, and (he confesses) that eventually some quantum physics essay. But do not be fooled by his good-boy face and his nerdy glasses ... Carlos is a fan of Metallica. And he lives surrounded by women.

  • Andreu Meya, asesor inmobiliario Monapart

    Andreu Meya

    Real Estate Agent

    Andreu has been an entrepreneur for many years, leading projects dedicated to photography, retail, and also home renovations. It was precisely thanks to this stage dedicated to helping people make the most of their home, that he discovered his passion for this profession.

    Accompanying his clients to sell / rent / buy their home, is an exciting and responsible process, and for Andreu, making them feel supported and well advised is essential.

    In his spare time, you will always see him in natural surroundings, on his bike, on skates, or diving in the sea. And almost always with background music (he was a drummer when he was young, and that leaves a mark ...).

  • Esther Sesma

    Agente inmobiliaria

  • Sergi Velayos agente inmobiliario en Barcelona

    Sergi Velayos

    Agente inmobiliario y coach

  • David Torres, agente inmobiliario Monapart Barcelona

    David Torres

    Agente inmobiliario

    Todas las viviendas cuentan una historia. Conocerla es clave para el proceso de compra, venta o alquiler, porque no estamos hablando solo de pisos, sino de emociones y personas. Por eso mi mayor propósito es mejorar tu vida y la de los tuyos ofreciéndote un acompañamiento cercano y empático, escuchando tus expectativas y resolviendo todas las dudas que se te planteen.

    Soy un profesional inmobiliario comprometido, de los “de antes” pero con todo el conocimiento y la tecnología a nuestro alcance para ganar máxima agilidad y eficiencia. Nunca dejo de formarme para hacer las cosas mejor cada día, y mi compromiso contigo estará siempre a la altura de tu confianza en mí.

    Llevo más de 50 años pisando las calles de Barcelona; la conozco como la palma de mi mano y estoy enamorado de esta ciudad y sus historias. Así que no te sorprendas si cuando nos conozcamos, te cuente alguna anécdota de tu calle o barrio… ¡tengo cientos!

    En mis ratos libres, toco la guitarra, hago música electrónica y tengo un duo con mi pareja. Compartir esta afición con mi gente es un regalazo.

  • Bet Sala - Agente inmobiliaria Monapart

    Bet Sala | La Primera

    Real Estate Agent

    Let's imagine a cozy living room full of books and family photos. A corner armchair ideal for knitting. It smells like Earl Gray, and the background music is White Ladder by David Gray. You got it? Well, chances are Betty is hanging around there. Unless she is not in the gym or having a soiree with friends ...

    With a degree in Environmental Sciences, and another in Catalan Language and Literature from the UOC, Betty has started selling beautiful homes with Monapart because listening, empathizing, and helping people are qualities that she carries in her blood. And the trade ... you only learn it with practice, and that's where she is!


Monapart Girona

  • Josep Maria Coll

    Josep Maria Coll

    Partner and Director

    Being an architect, and having a master's in Real Estate Studies, Josep Maria´s passion for sustainable, efficient and customizable homes is in his blood. He has devoted a long period of his professional career to such homes, with his own company Invoci, and now also with Monapart Girona.

    When Pitu, as his family and friends call him, is not working, he loves to cook and enjoys a nice glass of wine while Tomatito and Michel Camilo´s Spain Again play in the background. What a great album. He makes the most of going on long bike rides to help digest his food, and to mull over ways to transform the construction sector, favouring more efficient and sustainable building works...And so it´s back to the drawing board.

  • Míriam Vidal

    Míriam Vidal

    Real Estate Consultant

    With a degree in Architecture from ETSAB, and a postgraduate degree in Architecture and Sustainability, Míriam has devoted a large part of her professional career to carrying out commissions from private clients within the residential sector. So she knows how to listen, understand, respond, and meet the expectations of her clients, which are very high when they concern important life choices. She was doing this for many years from her own architectural studio, and now Monapart Girona also has the good fortune of having her on board.

    Those who know her well say that Miriam has the virtue of always seeing the positive side of life. Surely this is exactly what helps her get up at 6am every day to take her dog for a walk…

  • Toni Pérez, agente inmobiliario Monapart en Girona

    Toni Pérez

    Agente inmobiliario

    Llevo más de 18 años en este sector y me gusta en todas sus vertientes: como agente inmobiliario, personal shopper, formador, team leader… Me inicié como director financiero, estudié empresariales y un MBA, pero lo que me apasiona son las personas, construir relaciones de confianza, y ésta es precisamente la clave del éxito en este oficio.

    Formo parte de varias organizaciones como CRS, Realtor, Fiabci, RNAI, Trivion, AEPSI y mantengo viva mi red de contactos participando activamente en BNI, MLSs, congresos, clubs… ¡hasta tengo un programa de radio! Procuro sumar allí donde voy y por eso me llaman “el conseguidor” o “networking man”. Me pega.

    Como Team Leader de Unika Realty me enorgullece ofrecer un servicio excepcional en la compra y venta de viviendas en Girona y Barcelona, pero si lo que buscas son inmuebles en rentabilidad o para inversión también puedo ayudarte. Tú pide y yo te lo consigo. Es cuestión de tenacidad, contactos, y sí, un poco de magia (otro día te cuento mi pasado como mago profesional…).



  • David Díaz asesor inmobiliario Monapart

    David Díaz

    Real Estate Agent

    With almost 20 years in the Graphic Industry, David needed a change, and in the Real Estate sector he found the last of his shoe. That was 7 years ago.

    He started as a Family Assets Manager, but he has now come to Monapart to help the families of Las Rozas and Northwest Madrid to solve their real estate problems.

    Graduated in Law from the Complutense, with the title of Real Estate Judicial Expert and several courses in sales, David is a meticulous and empathetic professional, because he believes that it is only possible to deliver value to the client if he knows his real needs.

    As a good calligraphy enthusiast, he always has a pad and pencil in hand.

  • Octavio Rodríguez Monapart Madrid

    Octavio Rodríguez | Boutique

    Real Estate Agent

    Octavio has lived on four continents, and this gives him a very broad perspective on life. But nowhere is like home...

    Graduated in Journalism from the European University of Madrid (it was Kapuscinsky's fault), he practiced the profession for 12 years for EFE, El Faro de Melilla or the Spanish Red Cross, to name a few.

    With 5 years of experience in the Real Estate sector, he comes to Monapart together with Romina, his wife, and his new project, Boutique, a name that is a declaration of intent.

    When he is not working, he nourishes himself with the cinema and music of the 80s and 90s and reads, to dream and continue traveling the world.

  • Romina Caramagna, asesora inmobiliaria Boutique Monapart Madrid

    Romina Caramagna | Boutique

    Real Estate Agent

    Romina has a degree in Audiovisual Communication. And with 5 years of experience in the Real Estate sector, she comes to Monapart together with Octavio, her husband, and her new project, Boutique, a name that is a declaration of intent.

    With an educated eye, Romina knows how to distinguish #beautifulhomes within a mile, and now she will help all the ones she finds in the beautiful Madrid neighborhood of Salamanca change hands.
    She loves enriching her life with the people, stories and experiences that she encounters along the way, whether in Colombia, in Angola, or now in Madrid. Although her favorite place is still music...

  • Rafael Escamilla, asesor inmobiliario Monapart Madrid

    Rafael Escamilla

    Real Estate Agent

    Rafael has been a real estate agent for more than 15 years. After collaborating in several agencies, he now wants to fly alone, although not completely... That's why he arrives at Monapart, wanting to fly, but fly very high.

    He has completed 200 homesales at this point, and if he has learned anything, it is that in this profession, one lives fundamentally on the recommendation of clients. It is a long-term career that is won with transparency, honesty and in-depth knowledge of the market and the product. He really likes dealing with people and he is passionate about this profession. But his other great passion is animals.

  • Nieves Archilla, Monapart Madrid

    Nieves Archilla

    Real Estate Agent

    A graduate in Journalism, with a master's degree in Marketing and Sales Management, and having taken courses in digital marketing, business intelligence and customer relationship management, Nieves (Archi to her friends) has decided to leave a long career in advertising agencies behind her, to be a Monapart real estate agent in Madrid.

    An insatiable reader of historical novels, she says that she is hooked on watching home decor and furniture restoration videos. There is no weekend that she doesn't go to the cinema, and there is no Christmas that she doesn't watch Love Actually! And all of this, of course, with a good 70% dark chocolate. To be expected…


Monapart Albacete

  • Juan Carlos Alfaro - Monapart Albacete

    Juan Carlos Alfaro

    Partner and Director

    In this profession it is essential to be a people person, to have good listening skills, empathy, optimism, and a touch of madness. Juan Carlos ticks all of these boxes. He is the archetypal Manchegan man: good-natured, easy-going and honest, like a 21st century Sancho Panza but with a touch of Quijote.

    He's a tireless worker, but when he is not working he likes to run, travel, and learn English. He keeps himself busy with books, documentaries, music, TV series, and travelling (lots of travelling!). However, there is nowhere like home. In a town in La Mancha, whose name I do not wish to recall...
